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The Board of Directors are elected stewards of I3 Investment Cooperative and all it's beneficiaries and provides a solid foundation on which all else can build. They will govern I3 Investment Cooperative on behalf of the members according to our Rules of Cooperation and the BC Cooperative Association Act.

Board membership lasts for up to three years. As of September 2020, there are three directors, with the potential to increase to nine:

  1. Mark Kennedy (President)

  2. Caroline Smalley

  3. Eric Howe


Board Responsibilities

The board will deal with concerns related to maintaining values and overall management:

  1. Leadership consulting

  2. Identify investment opportunities, collaborators, sponsors and partners

  3. Project approvals and accountability of funds

Next Director Election

There will be no less than 2 director meetings per year.

Board Nominations

Each year, we'll ask our members to nominate fellow members to stand for election for the Board. Our goal is strong and balanced leadership, and our nominations process helps us get there.

Beneficiary Committees

There will be opportunities to participate at different levels, including serving in various committees that are in place and have vacancies at the time of membership.

Proposed committees include:

  1. The Commons (incorporates Purpose, Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles)

  2. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility - Internal and External

  3. Corporate Governance and Compliance

  4. Finance and Integrated Reporting

  5. Investment

  6. Community Development

  7. Marketing and Communications

  8. Technology & Systems Integration (incorporates Marketplace and 3P Exchange)

  9. Citizen Engagement

The Board would like to thank the ongoing support of its principal Co-op Consultant, Martin J. Frost

Marty Frost has spent the past 36 years working in and for co-operatives. 17 years spent with CRS Workers’ Co-operative, including 10 as General Manager, saw that co-op triple its working membership and quadruple its sales, and become one of the most successful worker co-op businesses in the country. 19 years as a co-op developer with Devco (FWC Development Cooperative) has provided Marty with the opportunity to work with well over 150 groups, supporting the start-up and development of their co-ops.


Marty has served on the board of directors of the Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada, and the board of the Canadian Worker Co-op Federation, of which he was a founder. He has served on the advisory board to the Ministers responsible for Co-operatives at both Federal and Provincial levels, and has done extensive consultations on the Co-ops Act of BC. He currently serves as a director for the BC Co-operative Association and for CCEC Credit Union.  Marty has provided co-operative development and education in eight provinces and two territories of Canada, as well as in Indonesia, Mongolia and China, and has studied at the Mondragon co-operative system in Spain.

© 2021 The I3 Investment Coop

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